Leaf Color Chart(LCC)
For the growth and development of plant 16 type of nutrient are required. The requirement of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus for crops especially for food crops can not be achieved by cow dung. In addition to these, urea, DAP and potash are used. The excess use of these nutrients adversely affect the soil and environment condition. Also by inadequate use of fertilizer improper growth of plant is noticed. So, to minimize the effect different attempt are made among them leaf color

chart(LCC) is also one.
Leaf color chart means chart which used to measure the color of leaves of crops. In this chart, there is four to six color strip white color ranging yellow green to dark green. It determines the greenness of the rice leaf, which indicate its nitrogen content. According to leaf color intensity and greenness of the leaf high or low the amount of nitrogen is increased or decreased respectively. The LLC had been jointly developed by International Rice Research Institute(IRRI) and Philippines Rice Research Institute(PhilRice) for the purpose of measuring nitrogen requirement in crop plant. By comparing leaf color of crops required amount of urea calculated. This LCCs is also suitable for wheatand maize to determine the amount of nitrogen requirement. Sugarcane, potato, vegetables, cotton, mustard, ets also relevant for the use of LCCs under reaseach and development inorder to increase the productivity of these crops.
How to use Leaf Color Chart ?
Step 1:
Select the plant for testing:
                                                From the uniformity plant population, choose ten leafs of healthy tiller.
Step 2:
Match the leaf to the chart:
                                                From each tiller or plant top part of weldeveloped leaf is detached. The comparision of leaf color and chart color is made by putting the leaf in middle of leaf color chat.
Step 3:

Measure the leaf color:
                                        While measuring the leaf color direct sun rays is checked.
Step 4:
Determine the average LCC:
                                                The average measure of ten leaf is calculated. If an average value less the 3 top dressed of nitrogen is required. The recommended dose of nitrogrn in the leaf clor chat is applied.
In some cases according to cultivar dose is recommended.
1.       The particular person shold measure on same day at the same time.
2.       If the color fall between two color in LCC then measure of both color should be taken.
For example if measure lies between 2 and 3 tyhen 2.5 measure should be taken.
1.       Appropriate amount of fertilizer can be applied at appropriate time
2.       Proper growth and development of crop thus increase in productivity.
3.       Disease due to excessive use of nitrogen is controlled.
4.       Reduction in green house gases.
The use of LCCs in Panjab state of India recommended by Panjab Agricultur University for rice, maize and wheat, can result in saving of Rs 175 crore annually as well as the environment.
Leaf color chart and climate change:
Climatic smart agriculture, is one aspect of Food  and Agricultural organization of the United Nation. In this aspect equally important to climatic resilience, adaptation, control is considered. Excessive use of chemical fertilizer such as urea, the emission of greenhouse gases like nitrous oxide N2O  which adversely affect the climatic pattern. The use LCCs inform us that right use of fertilizer at right time and can control the negative impact of climatic change due to greenhouse gases.
Potential saving of urea by use of LCC method:

 ( According to Climate smart village project investication)
The recommended dose for rice is 100:30:30 NPK kg/ha (irrigation) for which 6 kg urea should be used but this amount of urea is not used by farmer.
Amount of urea used in killogram

First top dressing
Second top dressing
Area in kattha

Area in ha

Leaf Color Chart


Work of farmer


Recommended fertilizer


Work of farmer and LCC different in use ofurea
Recommended fertilizer and work of farmer in use of urea
Recommended fertilizer and LCC use in urea

Climate smart village project had been run in different district of Nepal. From the investication by the use of LCC the production of wheat 5.34 ton/ha , farmer work organic manure production 4.64 ton/ha. Yield is more when LCC is used.