For centuries, linseeds have been prized for their health protective properties. The scientific name of linseed is Linum usitatissimum, meaning “ the most useful”. It falls under family Lineacae. Two types of Linum usitatissimum are cultivated. The linseed type is grown for oil extraction from seed and flax type is grown for fiber extraction from the stem. It has been accepted that linseed was originated in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean sea around 6000 BC.   
Nowadays, flaxseeds are emerging as a “super food” as more scientific research as their health benefits. On what basis does flaxseed are said as super food? Flaxseed contains unsaturated fatty acid omega-3 fatty acids, an antioxidant substances lignans, linolenic acid, fiber, small amount of unsaturated fatty acid like palmitic acid and stearic acid.
Here are 10 health benefits of flaxseeds that are proven by science.
  1.        Flaxseeds are highly rich in nutrients

Since the down of civilization flaxseed is one of  the oldest crop. They are the good source of many nutrients. Their health benefits are mainly due to omega-3 fats, lignans and soluble fibers. In two tablespoon of flaxseed there are:
∙ Calories 110
∙ Protein  4gm
∙ Fibers 6gm
∙ Carbs 3gm
∙ Fats 8.5gm
∙ Mn 0.6gm
∙ Vitamin B 10.4gm                                                                                                    
. Mg 80gm
∙ P 132 mg
∙ Cu 0.2mg
∙ Sn 5mg
Flaxseeds also contain a good amount of vitamin B6, folate, iron and zinc.
2.    Fla
xseeds are high in fibers but low in carbs
Soluble fibers increases the consistency of the content of your intestine and slows downs your digestion rate. This has been shown to help regulate blood sugar and low cholesterol.
Insoluble fiber allows more water to blind to the stools, increase their bulk and results in soften stools. This is usually for preventing constipation and for those and for those who have irr
itable bowel.

Flaxseed which is beneficial for stomach disease. we can starve for long time without taking any food. we feel hunger slowly.

3.    Flaxseeds are highly in omega-3 fats
There is a lot health benefits of fish oil and omega-3  fats. This is only one reason why flaxseeds have known for their inflammatory effect. The flaxseed donot contains EPA and DHA, they do contain another type of omega-3 fats which is called alpha linolenic acid(ALA). It is the poly unsaturated fatty acid which reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, reduce inflammation and protect arterial function.
4.    Helps makes skin and hair healthy
Flaxseed is beneficial for skin and hair protection. It makes hair stronger and silky. It also prevents the loss of hair and increase the fairness of the skin. Some essential fatty acid and vitamin B can help in reducing dryness and flakiness ok hair. Omega-3 fatty acid is beneficial for eye. It reduce the dry eye syndrome by providing the lubricating substance. we can we take one tablespoon of flaxseed per day for healthy skin, strong nail and hair protection.
5.    Gluten free
Gluten allergy patient can take flaxseed because it is gluten free. The gluten containing grains are hard so it make difficult to some people to digest. The patient who have digestion problem are suggested to take gluten free food such as flaxseed.
6.    High in antioxidant
One of the main component of the flax is lignans which is plant estrogen as well as antioxidants( flax contains up to 800 times more lignans than other plant food contain). Lignans prevents from hormone imbalance and early aging. It makes the early regeneration of the cells. Lignans are also known for their antiviral and antibacterial properties. It provides the element for resistance of virus and bacteria.
7.    Supports digestive health
It increases the consistency of the content of the intestine and slows down digestion rate. Insoluble fibres allows more water to blind to the stool, increase their bulk and result in softer stools. This is useful for preventing constipation and for those who have irritable bowel.
8.    May help prevent cancer  
The flaxseed may able to help prevent from certain type of cancer including breast, prostate, ovarian and colon cancer. Certain studies shows that women experiences a reduce risk for developing breast cancer when they consume large amount of dietary fibers, lignans, carotenoid, antioxidants, vegetables and poultry.
9.    May help with weight loss
What’s the connection between the flaxseed and weight loss, according to study? The study published in the journal of nutrition found that flaxseed and walnut helps in loss weight and obesity.
10.                      Can be versatile ingredients
Flaxseed or flaxseed oil can be added to many common foods. Some common food can be added are:
·         Add them to water and drink it.
·         Drizzling on salad
·         Mixing them into yogurt
·         Adding them into milk and boil
Production technique
The crop is shown on well prepared, well manured soil by seed drill or plug sole method using 20-30 seed/ha in sole crop. However, intercropping is common with crops like wheat, barley when the seed requirement comes down to 8-10 kg.
Fertilizer suplying 50kg N 40kg P2O5 and 40kg K per ha is necessary. The fertilizer application is used as basal dose.
Crop matures in 130-140 days and harvested at base and threshed to separate seeds. A yield of 15-20q/ht may be extracted from well managed sole crops while as an intercrop, it may yield up to 8-10q/ha.
Cropping system
Flaxseed is grown in rotation with many kharif crops like sorghum, pears, millet, groundnut, cowpea and soybean. It is also intercropped with the crop like barley, wheat, gram and mustard. It is grown as relay crop by broadcasting the seed in between standing crop of paddy.