Immunity is our body natural defence agents disease caused by bacteria and viruses. For the overcome of this Covid-19 pandemic, it have been very necessary to develop strong immunity power. Although there are many sources through which we can boost our immunity, the natural source i.e. plant source can be the best option to immune yourself. Here we listed the plants which can really empower our immune system by regular consuming of it.

1) Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia):

Giloy is an immune system booster plant which is consumed by people seens thousands years ago. It is known as 'Amrita' in Sanskrit which means 'the root of immortality.' It is a queen of herbs, the most used versatile Ayurvedic herb. It is also known by its heart-leaved moonseed. It is believed that it have effecting in treating fever, helps in managing diabetes, respiration system stronger and good source of Antioxidant. Besides boosting immunity it is known for its anti ageing property. By the regular use of giloy, the shrinkness in the face disappeare and it gives glowing and charming skin. It regulates and strengthen immunity by its biologically active compounds like alkaloids and lactones.

How to use Giloy? You can use by chopping roots, boil it into water and drink boil water twice a day. It is suggested that to drink giloy juice early morning in empty stomach.

2) Oregano:

Oregano is an herb from mint family. The use of oregano was started from thousand years ago to add flavor and also to treat health conditions like asthma, skin sore, aching muscles, ingestion, cold, diarrhea, cramps and more. Common oregano is botanically known as Origanum vulgare, Greek for "joy of the mountains." It can be found growing wild on mountainsides of Greece and other Mediterranean countries where it is an herb of choice.

Oregano has the properties such as anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, protecting against cancer, diabetes and depression. The two main components of oregano oil; carvacrol and thymol shows the antimicrobial property. The researcher suggests that substances in oregano could play a role in fighting diseases that no longer respond to antibiotics.

The constituents of oregano oil such as rosmarinic acid and thymol plays role in anti-inflammatory. It is high in antioxidants and may help fight off bacteria and viruses, potentially reduce the growth of cancer cells and help alleviate inflammation. One test-tube study treated human colon cancer cells with oregano extract and found that it stopped the growth of cancer cells and helped kill them off.

People apply oregano oil to the skin for: Acne, athlete’s foot, dandruff, canker sores, toothache, and gum disease, warts, wounds, ringworm, rosacea, psoriasis, insect bites and as an insect repellant, muscle and joint pain, varicose veins.

How to use Oregano?

Oregano tea and oregano oil have been used as a natural remedy for indigestion, coughs, allergies, arthritis, and to stimulate menstruation. Fresh oregano can be used in pasta sauce, pizza, chicken, hamburger, beans, etc

3) Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) Tulsi is an important part of home recipe. It is known as holi basil which natural immune adding herb. It is believed that tulsi is a symbol of Lord Bishnu. It protect against nearly all infection from viruses, bacteria, fungus, protozoa. The extra of holi basil leaf increase T helper cells and natural killer cells activity by boosting the immune system. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiallergy quality which allover increase your capability to suspress various disease and disable living particles to rule in your body. It has strong disinfectant and germicidal property. According to research it has prove that it helps to slow down the growth of HIV and also inhibits development of Carcinogenic cells. It contains alot of Antioxidant and micronutrient which helps your immune system by protecting if damage caused by free radicles. Daily consuming of 2-3 tulsi leaves on empty stomach can nearly reduce season flu and viruses. Besides this it also remedies eye disorder and night blindness.

How to use tulsi? We can use dry leaves of tulsi on empty stomach early in the morning. The other way of use is by boiling tulsi leaves with water and take it.

4) Turmeric (Curcuma officinalis) Turmeric is widely used natural immunity booster plant. According to research published in the journal PLOS ONE (Public Library of Science), curcumin, a compound found in turmeric is known to have anti inflammatory property that help to boost immunity. It has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties which ultimately reduce the growth of viral, bacterial disease. It is also proven by research that, it promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in our gut. Recently the Prime Minister of Nepal has given an statement in Turmeric on going situation of Covid-19 pandemic. He said that using turmeric in our daily food suppress the growth of viruses and seasonal flu. It can be the best way to improve our immunity.

Add raw turmeric and boil it with one teaspoon of ghee and have it early morning. It helps to improve immunity and dry cough. Recently studies conducted on turmeric has revel curcumin and other compound have beneficial effect in various disease condition by modulating the immune system. Turmeric contain 3-5 % curcumin which is worthable to increase your immunity power. How to use turmeric? Raw turmeric boil with milk consider as magic elixir to reduce common cold and seasonal flu. You can use it while cook various recipes of food.

4) Echinacea It is an American cone flower which is a group of flowering plants used as popular herb remedy. They are linked with many health benefits, such as reduced inflammations, improve immunity. It is best known for its beneficial effect on the immune system. The components of roots, leaves, flower all contains immune stimulating compounds. You can use tincture 2-5 ml, 3 times a day. The leaves, root, or others part of Echinacea processed by different methods like drying, alcohol extraction or pressing and it is sold as capsule, tablets, tincture and tea.

Besides these five plants, you can also found immunity booster compounds in other herbs like Astragalus, ginsena, Aloe vera, St. John wort, licorice, garlic, thyene, shiitake mushroom, chillies, lemon grass and so on.